Friday, October 24, 2008


Yesterday I mentioned I wanted to discuss my weigh in at Weight Watchers. I'm increasingly frustrated with what the medical community considers healthy weight. This frustration is not born out of the desire to eat Big Macs, although its tempting, but instead based on my new love for power lifting. Ladies it is true - the way to a slim feminine self is through lifting HUGE AMOUNTS OF WEIGHT. Who knew one of the things I'd learn from my boyfriend was how to look most feminine. Pick up something heavy a few times, two days a week and you will get the kind of hamstring insanity I recently discovered. I'm not one to brag about my body but these suckers could crack nut shells.

There I said it, I bragged about myself. (Go me)

But seriously, most weight loss guidelines/healthy eating guidelines (I don't believe in dieting) suggest that on the day you burn a lot of calories you can potentially eat those calories. This is depending on your goal, of course. If you're trying to lose weight you should have a calorie deficit. But if you're maintaining, as I am, you can eat them. The problem for me comes when I spend my time at the gym squatting 75% of my body weight. I don't burn a ton of calories. But the days after, when that muscle is building itself up, I feel like I have burned a ton of calories. And that's true - muscle burns more calories than fat does. So I should be hungry but NONE of the guidelines allow for this type of calorie designation. Yes, I realize I'm getting kind of technical. Yes, I realize this is a minor issue. But its one that bugs me. One that Weight Watchers lacks a solution for and also one that I beat myself up about when I do eat more than I should on those muscle building days.

I've been ending my posts with quips and solutions. And today's is: I got nothin'.

1 comment:

{The Perfect Palette} said...

Thanks for stopping by the Perfect Palette & for entering our give-a-way! Be sure to swing back by on Tuesday the 5th to find out who the lucky winner is! Thanks for reading & happy planning :)